To walk or not to walk? That is the question. And it's one that has a very simple answer. If you are mobile (i.e.: not restricted due to physical limitations), then walking is a fantastic way to jump start your fitness routine. It's relatively low-impact (unless you are hiking mountain or off road trails), it can help you gradually build up your endurance, and can help teach you how to breath properly while exercising. All of these things may come across as very simple or maybe even common sense. But walking is a cornerstone for fitness in my book.
For me, after a good walk my legs are usually shot. Which after a long day at work, usually feels pretty amazing. Plus, if you walk outside; then you get to take in the beauty of God's creation and maybe even some socialization on your path. For instance, last night the family and I took a 2.43 mile walk through our town. This walk involved a detour by our local park, a store to grab a drink for the trip (we got Gatorades, no sodas here), and then the return trip back. For us, this was our longest distance walked with our baby. She seemed to love the trip, and so did we. Granted pushing the baby stroller for a little better than a mile a piece, it was a nice workout all around.
But during out trip, we passed so many people who were out walking for fitness. Some were walking, and some were riding bicycles. We passed solo walkers and runners, we passed couples, and even families. It was nice to see people putting their technology away long enough to get outside and get some fresh air and a little healthier.
So my point in this short post, is to not discount the advantages of walking. Remember a good rule of thumb for walking. Good shoes and stay hydrated. The rest of the world is there for the taking.
Go outside!
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