Yesterday afternoon I finally built up enough nerve to jump on the scale for the first time in a couple of weeks. I got a little discouraged because even though I felt I was doing really good on my diet and exercise, my numbers seemed to stall. So yesterday afternoon, I felt it was time to weigh in again.
And I'll have to say I was honestly shocked at the results. I finally reach 10 pounds lost! For me, this is the first significant weight loss in over 8 years. Even though I will not hit my goal of being 220 pounds on my birthday (which is this coming Tuesday and I'm still 15 pounds above it); I am still ecstatic that I have succeeded so far. And this means it's time to refocus my goals and charge on down to 220 over the coming couple of months.
I am fired up more than I have been since I started exercising and eating better on March 1st. Let's do this!
Image: Keattikorn /
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