One of the biggest problems I personally have when it comes to exercise and fitness is a complete and utter lack of motivation. This has plagued every half-witted attempt I have taken at getting fit. Usually I start off strong by working out regularly and trying to eat right then after a couple of weeks something will happen. Almost as if I flipped a switch off in my mind that says "Okay, I'm done.". From that point forward it becomes a lot easier to sit inside and play games or do other things on days we have nice weather or lay out of the gym.
So how do I combat that lack of motivation or drive? For me, I have found that when I can't motivate myself; that's when I need to get other people involved. The first person I started bugging was my wife. Initially, when I told her what my personal goals were for things like walking and weight loss she was surprise, worried, concerned (whatever you want to call it, she though something was up). But after she actually saw me get out and start working, it was almost like catching a cold. She jumped right in and started contributing with me. After a couple of days I started mentioning my efforts to others like my Mom. My Mom is a nurse and understands the point of good health practices and likes to get out and about herself. So she jumped on the wagon with us too. Essentially, I surrounded myself with people who I knew would be proud of me if I succeed and will help encourage me when I don't quite feel like going that extra mile. And so far, it is working.
With a form of what I will call "external motivation" from other people, that pushes me to be more inclined to get out and put forth an effort. And so far with this motivation, I have walked since March 1st, 2012: 34.37 miles. Which may not sound like a lot but a month ago I was spending almost all of my free time sitting around either infront of a television, computer, or video game. Now I am walking at least 5 days a week (oftentimes 6 days) and am pushing myself farther every time I go out. And I have already started to move my belt in one notch. And for a guy whose belt hasn't moved in 7 years; that's a big deal!
So how can you find that extra motivation to help encourage you? First, don't think of your workouts/eating better as a diet. If you start out by saying "I can't go there or eat that because I'm on a diet"; you will find that you are limiting yourself within constraints that may make life a little more difficult on you. And who needs that stress, as it will kill motivation for you. Yes, you should be conscious about your diet, but not to the point you have put yourself in a doorless room with rice cakes. If you happen to splurge (which it is healthy to do once in a while), just make a note and work a little harder on your next trip out. NOTE: Please don't read that Techie said to go crazy with your moderation. That's nuts.
Second, set goals that you know you can achieve. Not something that is unattainable. In my case, if I started out doing no exercise whatsoever (which was my case actually), and I decided to go out and run for 10 miles. I would have flopped in my attempt that day. Instead, I started out determined to walk no more than 2 miles. When I hit the 2 miles mark, I was feeling pretty good and ended up walking 5 miles my first day out. Yes, this killed me since I wasn't used to much activity. But, I rebounded after a day or two of rest and haven't stopped since. So, goal setting is very important.
Third, you have to find some form of "external motivation". Whether be friends or family, or maybe there is a local walking group in your community. If not, start one up instead of waiting on someone else too. If you are scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to finding others to participate, look online. There are communities online that are there to help. Sites like Endomondo, LiveStrong, etc. are there for the purpose of helping you. Sure, sites likes these have paid services. But usually they offer some free services by way of forums and message boards or even online fitness trackers that you can share on Facebook or Twitter. And believe me, I have used some of these (and still do use a couple) and they can be a big help.
I am by no means, a fitness expert or a doctor of any kind. However, the above points are what continues to help me everyday. If you have other factors for motivation, chime in below with a comment and share with all of us as we may need the help too!
Credits: Image: Stuart Miles /
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