Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I'll not make this a long post, but I just wanted to drop a note and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sure, we may be dieting.  And yes, Thanksgiving may not be a "forgiving" day as far as our diets are concerned.  But just remember, moderation is the key.  I have a bad habit of inhaling things like pumpkin pie, turkey, cranberry sauce, and banana pudding on Thanksgiving.  Usually to the point of misery.  No, I'm not planning on counting my calories tomorrow.  As I have been careful for the last several weeks, I am using Thanksgiving as my day to splurge (albeit with moderation of portions).  And I will deal with the after effects as motivation to go harder in the gym.

So to all of my readers out there, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.  Enjoy the time off, and enjoy the fellowship and be safe.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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